Thursday, June 7, 2012

Kids Dance Class - Tips for Kids

"Kids Dance Class - Tips for Kids"," Kids as young as two-years old can enroll in the beginning classes.
 That doesn't have to be the case for your child.
 You can make things easier on your child by following the tips below:

Tip 1.
 Explain that they'll be in class with other children and an instructor.
 Basically, you need to put the child's mind at ease about entering into a new social situation.
 Avoid saying words like ""fear"" or ""scared"" because you'll plant those seeds into their thoughts.

Tip 2.
 Although your child is young, they should be able to articulate their feelings.
 It's possible that the child really isn't ready to be thrust into a social situation like that.
 Dance should not be something that children resist.

Tip 3.
 If the child becomes familiar with the surroundings and instructor, they'll have an easier time adjusting to class.
 If orientation is given, make sure your child attends and encourage him or her to relax and get to know the other students, teacher, and studio.
 Encourage their participation.
 If you child know you're supportive, they will at least give the class a chance.
 Mini-recitals in the living room are all many children need to keep going to classes.
 These may be some of the happiest memories of your child's young life, so make things easy for your child, and you'll make things easier for yourself.

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Salsa Dance Moves

"Salsa Dance Moves - 5 Tricks For Making Tough Salsa Moves Look Easy"," But every now and then I'll let slip some sneaky technique that I use that can make seemingly tough moves look easy.

5 Salsa Dance Moves-My Way!

 There can be many different reasons for this but today I'm going to show you the most important one, centrifugal force! Now if you don't know what that is, it's the force that acts outwards from a rotational object; imagine swinging a rope with a weight on it around your head and you have the idea.

Trick 1-Centripetal Force

The trick is to use centripetal force instead which is the force that acts INWARDS when you swing an object.
 Spin To Right

A lot of people find it harder to spin to right than left and also comment that they get more dizzy when going this way.

Trick 2-The Knee Push

While standing on your left foot hook your right leg tight around the back so that your right knee is pressing into the back of your left knee.
 You will be able to spin extremely quickly now with very little effort at all


Trick 3-Using Pressure

Whenever you have hand to hand contact with your partner try and put a little pressure onto the hold so that the follower matches the energy of the leader.
 Use this pressure technique throughout all your salsa dance moves and you will find it much easier to lead and follow from now on.

 The trick here is to find moves that flow into each other and continue rotations rather than ones that stop and start which leads to very blocky dancing and not so much enjoyment for your partner

Trick 4-Salsa Flow

Salsa flow is almost an entire style in itself and does lead itself to many classic moves danced in a different way but for the purposes of putting moves together you can use the following guide.
 There will be points in certain moves that allow you to stay fairly still and this time should be used to transition into a counter rotation move.

 You should always tailor your salsa dance moves to fit in with the music but few people really do

Trick 5-Musicality

If you listen to salsa music enough then you'll start to hear nuances and patterns to it's flow.
 Learn how long a certain move you like takes to do then try and practice fitting this in with a common piece of music that you like.
 Once you start getting this correct you will find your dancing much improves and your partner will just love dancing with you.

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Making Ballroom Dance Videos

"Making Ballroom Dance Videos"," You are probably someone who may have famous dancers posted on your wall, have more than three pairs of dancing shoes, and have a bumper sticker with ""Will Dance for Food"" lying around somewhere.

Sure, anybody can make a ballroom dance video but not every video is actually as good as it should be.
 Why are you doing this? Who are your target audience? How committed are you to making this project succeed? Know what you want before you take any action.
 Are you a professional dancer? Do you have awards and accreditations in your name that will give credibility in your expertise to dancing? People want to learn how to do something from people that are recognized as the best in their field and if you are not here yet, you want to build this up to make your ballroom dance videos successful.

Next, you want to plan on what you're going to present to your viewers.
 Plan it out on paper first.

The main body of the video should be the ballroom dance steps so make sure that you focus on making your instructions as clear and understandable as possible.
 Wear clothes that are attractive, but not distracting-certainly not baggy clothes that will not be able to show those watching what the proper posture and form should look like.

I suggest that you make a simple video with friends and post it online first to see how well the response is.
 Remember, if you are serious about making professional ballroom dance videos, it will cost money in production and marketing so study every aspect of this endeavor before stepping into it.
 It's a fun and challenging adventure so buckle up and get ready for a great experience.

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Start A New Workout Program With Moderation

When folks first determine that they want to start exercising, many people will end up overdoing it and giving up after their first workout routine. For people who actually want to stick to a workout routine, moderation will be one of the biggest things you're going to need in order to make it through the first few workouts. Finding ways of moderating your exercise plan is something that we're going to be speaking about here for individuals who may have had issues in the past sticking to a plan.

Keeping a log of what you would like to accomplish each day is something that will be very advantageous for people who never seem to follow through with their exercise plans. When you wake up each and every morning and see that you need to have to jog for 2 miles on that day it's going to be on your mind once you wake up so you are going to know this has to be carried out. You have to comprehend that your mindset is going to be very important when doing your exercises, so do not think of it is a thing that you Need to do, but a thing that you want to do. Basically, you're going to be retraining your mind into thinking that exercise is something that you wish to do daily, and not something that is a tedious task.

If you know you are going to be working out for 40 minutes every day you may possibly want to try dividing this in to 15 minute workouts to be carried out at different times during the day. Performing 45 minutes of exercise at one time is a thing that many people will end up loathing, so by splitting this up in shorter time frames, you will be more apt to do them. This is also something that can wind up being useful to your body as this helps your metabolism stay running each day as opposed to a short time frame after you exercise. For people who are exercising to be able to lose weight you are going to find that this method can be a lot more powerful than exercising once every day.

Many individuals choose to start exercising and go way overboard, and this is in fact a primary reason that many individuals wind up giving up their exercises to start with. When you work out hard while you are first starting off you might find that your muscles will be sore for a week, so this is something you ought to avoid. You're going to want to start off easy and increase your exercises as your body begins to create muscle so you don't end up being sore and quitting.

Even though the suggestions will not wind up working for everybody, you may discover that they will be more than enough to help keep you on the correct track. If your spouse or partner wants you to stick with your workout routine, see if they'll give you a back rub or massage after you exercise every single day, as this is something that can be very motivational.

How to Sign Up For Dance Videos

"How to Sign Up For Dance Videos"," This investment will give you in return the ultimate salsa dance classes
 People from different cultures and background are learning Salsa these days.
 You may get many instructional aides to learn salsa moves particularly on the internet.

If you are thinking why you should sign-up for the salsa dance class, let me tell you that there are many reasons to it.
 You can see in the Salsa dance videos how your whole body moves vigorously in salsa moves especially your torso and your legs.
 Apart from increasing the physical strength, salsa dance moves also boost up your confidence.

You might have seen in the many salsa videos that proper timing and the footwork are most essential components of salsa dance.
 These reflexes and timings will help you in your daily activities also.
 You will certainly become a great salsa dancer one day.

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Zumba Dance Shoes - What You Need to Know Before You Buy

"Zumba Dance Shoes - What You Need to Know Before You Buy"," Zumba is one of the hottest fitness activities out there right now.

Because this dense aerobics class is intense, it is always good to have the right shoes to Zumba in.
 Check it out! Before you buy yourself a pair.

Comfort - Having comfortable shoes is one of the most important features that you can look for.
 You will be doing a lot of dancing and it is very important to have shoes that are comfy.
 These sneakers will be able to adjust and not be too firm when you are either doing lateral moves, dancing, shaking, turning, jumping, twisting and moving on the spot.

Get Dance Insoles - Aside from getting the right sneaker, it is also good to get yourself a nice pair of comfortable dance insoles.

What Not to Buy!

When purchasing sneakers for this activity it is important that you do not purchase certain types of shoes.

Dance Sneakers - Even though this is a dance fitness class, it is not a good idea to buy dance sneakers to Zumba in.
 There is a good chance of injury if you should participate with one of these sneakers.
 Generally running shoes have very thick grip on the bottom of the shoe, this is to provide excellent traction when running.
 With excessive grip, this will not be possible.

There are many different Zumba shoes for women out there.
 Do not go out and buy shoes that can hurt the feet such as dance and running sneakers.

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Transform Your Sluggish Dance Students Into Super-Motivated Eager Beavers

"The Simple Technique to Transform Your Sluggish Dance Students Into Super-Motivated Eager Beavers"," Ok dance teachers.

Ever have those days where you're working so hard, giving 110% to your students, but it feels like everyone except for you is dragging their heels?

You know what I'm talking about.
 What's up with that? Why aren't they working harder?

Thoughts like "She's not even TRYING!" or ""I'm not here to babysit"" run through your head.

From my experience, the number one best way to get dancers motivated in class is to simply be enthusiastic! Nothing inspires others like passion & excitement.
 Enthusiasm comes naturally when u love what you do.
 If you keep that passion to yourself, then the only person you motivate is, well, you.
 I've seen how the energy in a single, excited voice can literally transform a still room into a buzzing, vibrant and responsive audience.

But why is that?

From what I've learned, there's a lot of psychology in teaching.
 There's many methods to teaching that are effective and encouraging.
 A dominant nature of humans (and especially artsy-fartsy people like dancers) is the need to please others.
 It's because most of us feel good when we make other people happy.
 In fact, that need to please pushes us (and by us, always remember that we are ALL students, continuously learning and improving ourselves) to become better at what we do.
 And that praise feels great!

Which leads to wanting to please more.

But how to deliver enthusiasm?

For starters, as soon as you set foot in your class, remember YOU set the tone for the hour.
 If you're eager to teach, they will be eager to learn.

And when you can find a moment to praise someone, don't hesitate.

In fact, shout it out so the whole class can hear you compliment how Stacy improved her shuffle! Or how Jason's posture is MUCH better!

Everyone listening will want praise too.
 And there's nothing wrong with that.

But always be genuine.

So the next time you step to the front of the room, remember how much you love dance.

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