"The Simple Technique to Transform Your Sluggish Dance Students Into Super-Motivated Eager Beavers"," Ok dance teachers.
Ever have those days where you're working so hard, giving 110% to your students, but it feels like everyone except for you is dragging their heels?
You know what I'm talking about.
What's up with that? Why aren't they working harder?
Thoughts like "She's not even TRYING!" or ""I'm not here to babysit"" run through your head.
From my experience, the number one best way to get dancers motivated in class is to simply be enthusiastic! Nothing inspires others like passion & excitement.
Enthusiasm comes naturally when u love what you do.
If you keep that passion to yourself, then the only person you motivate is, well, you.
I've seen how the energy in a single, excited voice can literally transform a still room into a buzzing, vibrant and responsive audience.
But why is that?
From what I've learned, there's a lot of psychology in teaching.
There's many methods to teaching that are effective and encouraging.
A dominant nature of humans (and especially artsy-fartsy people like dancers) is the need to please others.
It's because most of us feel good when we make other people happy.
In fact, that need to please pushes us (and by us, always remember that we are ALL students, continuously learning and improving ourselves) to become better at what we do.
And that praise feels great!
Which leads to wanting to please more.
But how to deliver enthusiasm?
For starters, as soon as you set foot in your class, remember YOU set the tone for the hour.
If you're eager to teach, they will be eager to learn.
And when you can find a moment to praise someone, don't hesitate.
In fact, shout it out so the whole class can hear you compliment how Stacy improved her shuffle! Or how Jason's posture is MUCH better!
Everyone listening will want praise too.
And there's nothing wrong with that.
But always be genuine.
So the next time you step to the front of the room, remember how much you love dance.
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