"If I Can Learn The Foxtrot, The Jive And The Rumba, Anyone Can - Dancing With The Stars Dance Coach"," You would really like to go, except you can't dance, or at least you think you can't and that is enough to stop you from going.
My wife bought the 8 disc set of dance training videos a couple of months ago, and is already dancing like a star! She says that the dance steps are really easy to learn and that I can practice them in the privacy of our own home; which is great because I am probably going to look like a fool for the first couple of dance lessons.
Within a couple of weeks, she could dance the Cha Cha, Salsa, Waltz, Tango, Sumba, Jive, Rumba and the Foxtrot.
We even hope to be able to shed some of those unwanted pounds ~ together, and have lots of fun while doing it.