Thursday, June 7, 2012

Salsa Dance Moves

"Salsa Dance Moves - 5 Tricks For Making Tough Salsa Moves Look Easy"," But every now and then I'll let slip some sneaky technique that I use that can make seemingly tough moves look easy.

5 Salsa Dance Moves-My Way!

 There can be many different reasons for this but today I'm going to show you the most important one, centrifugal force! Now if you don't know what that is, it's the force that acts outwards from a rotational object; imagine swinging a rope with a weight on it around your head and you have the idea.

Trick 1-Centripetal Force

The trick is to use centripetal force instead which is the force that acts INWARDS when you swing an object.
 Spin To Right

A lot of people find it harder to spin to right than left and also comment that they get more dizzy when going this way.

Trick 2-The Knee Push

While standing on your left foot hook your right leg tight around the back so that your right knee is pressing into the back of your left knee.
 You will be able to spin extremely quickly now with very little effort at all


Trick 3-Using Pressure

Whenever you have hand to hand contact with your partner try and put a little pressure onto the hold so that the follower matches the energy of the leader.
 Use this pressure technique throughout all your salsa dance moves and you will find it much easier to lead and follow from now on.

 The trick here is to find moves that flow into each other and continue rotations rather than ones that stop and start which leads to very blocky dancing and not so much enjoyment for your partner

Trick 4-Salsa Flow

Salsa flow is almost an entire style in itself and does lead itself to many classic moves danced in a different way but for the purposes of putting moves together you can use the following guide.
 There will be points in certain moves that allow you to stay fairly still and this time should be used to transition into a counter rotation move.

 You should always tailor your salsa dance moves to fit in with the music but few people really do

Trick 5-Musicality

If you listen to salsa music enough then you'll start to hear nuances and patterns to it's flow.
 Learn how long a certain move you like takes to do then try and practice fitting this in with a common piece of music that you like.
 Once you start getting this correct you will find your dancing much improves and your partner will just love dancing with you.

take your iime and select this


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