"The Benefit of Dance"," There was one incident that makes you very angry. You just keep quiet. Dizziness, weakness,to lazy to do any activity. When emotions are not channeled, levels will rise and cause frustration, anxiety, anger, self-destructive behaviors, and even disease. The body has a 'vocabulary' itself that causes it is able to 'talk' before you remove the words. One of the body movements that can express emotion is the dance. Uniting the body and emotions In addition to express emotion, dance has utilized a variety of ethnic peoples to tell the story or fairy tale life, treat illness, celebrate important events, and maintain social ties. Being tense muscles and body movement is one of them stunted. Dance moves to 'heal' in various ways. Rhythmic moves Dance as a therapy is a combination between modern dance and psychiatry. She studied dance in New York, the United States before finally establishing studios in Washington, DC in '30. Therefore, many psychiatrists in Washington who sends his patients there. Spontaneously moves to the accompaniment of music will help individuals to learn to recognize and trust their impulses. Moving creatively to help the demonstration. Gradually the dance therapy gain professional recognition. To this day the association has approximately 1200 members in 46 states and 20 countries around the world. ""So, with dancing, all emotions can be channeled. Martina Wiwie Nasrun, SpKJ of Psychiatry Section FKUI-RSCM. According to the American Dance Therapy Association, dance therapy is the psychotherapeutic use of movement to unify one's emotional and physical. For emotions, therapy can help create a sense of excitement and confidence and help explore the anger, frustration, and sadness that may be very difficult to express verbally. For mental, this therapy can improve cognitive abilities, motivation, and memory. For example, to help alleviate the stress suffered by a person. Then, explore specific movement techniques to increase blood circulation, reduce muscle tension, and deepen breathing. Especially if he did enjoy the dance. Could be anything. Treatment of social dance is therapy, which belong to the non pharmacology therapy. Those who do not be forced to participate like to dance therapy. The dancing potential Ballroom dancing (and all kinds of dance in pairs) will burn 200-300 calories per hour or equal to brisk walking. You can select the types of dance in accordance with the desire and ability, such as: classic ballroom: waltz, tango. If you enjoyed this article please click here.