"How Dancing Increases Your Confidence"," Learning to dance gives you more confidence, builds your skills and can open a completely new social circle for you without the pressure of contrived speed dating or the discomfort of blind dates.
They pay attention to their fitness and they tend to eat healthier foods.
It goes without saying that a good dose of encouragement helps too, because it often you are making progress, even when it may not feel like it.
Forget dancing alone at a club, where, if you're not already an excellent dancer you may feel clumsy even if you love dancing.
For singles, going to a dance class alone is the first of many big steps.
You're worried everyone is going to be better than you are and that you'll stand out.
So attending your first dance class in spite of your fears is a huge step towards building confidence.
Set some goals for your dancing
Many people take dance lessons to increase confidence and one of the best ways you can start off is to set 2 - 3 dance goals.
You get a huge confidence boost just by doing this. Go to learn something new and simply be open to making new friends and learning to be a great dancer.
You'll never dance alone at a modern jive dance class
If not a partner to go dancing with is a worry this is great news for you.
Because everyone is rotated during the lesson you are guaranteed to meet and dance with anywhere from 7-10 different people every week, so if you've come to class alone you'll never feel left out.
This helps your dancing and makes for the great social atmosphere in the class.
What if I make mistakes?
One of the biggest concerns of beginner dancers is that everyone is watching them and noting their mistakes.
Good news! People are usually not watching beginners.
They understand making mistakes is part and parcel of learning to dance and are far more likely to congratulate you for your efforts.
So relax and have fun.
In modern jive "freestyle" is simply another word for practice and it's a big part of the evening.
To build your dancing confidence dance in the freestyle practice session every week, particularly if you are a beginner.
Ask others to dance
Beginner dancers tend to look at the better dancers and think two things.
that one will ask them to dance because they're new and 2.
Ladies ask guys to dance as often as guys ask the ladies, unlike what you might find in clubs and even some more formal dances classes.
It is one of the fastest ways to learn.
You will feel your confidence grow over time.
Of course, if someone is just finishing a dance or taking a short break, catching their breath after several dances, sitting or sitting out a song they may suggest the next dance instead.
Ladies, if you want a dance, just ask for one.
And with new people joining each week you will not be a beginner for long and can do the same for others.
Take the first step - go to a dance class, try a modern jive class among other Set 2-3 goals and ask a teacher to help you achieve them.
Ask others to dance in the freestyle - even if you've just started.
Commit and be patient with yourself.
With time, a great teacher, encouragement, a sense of humour, and practice you'll find dancing will work wonders for your confidence.
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