"Exhibiting Emotional Intelligence While Under Pressure"," A dance teacher demonstrated extremely high skills, managing her emotions during a difficult situation.
My wife took lessons there, as did my daughter.
So this is a third-generation dance family.
My wife and I have been ""helpers"" for many years.
I'm up front, selling tickets and then I go backstage to watch the performance and make sure the area is clear of those who are not supposed to be there.
The teacher whose group is performing stands behind the main curtain so the children can see her but the audience cannot.
The 3-year old dancers are my favorite.
This year one of the dance teacher's three-year old daughter was performing for the first time.
Nothing was going to get her to go on stage.
But the little girl was firm.
The teacher's actions for the remainder of the program where inspiring.
She patiently, calmly and lovingly managed her daughter and the other dancers.
On our trip home, my wife and I discussed what could have happened if the teacher had not managed her emotions so well.
A negative experience such as this might have caused the little girl to refuse to dance in future recitals or avoid other stage experiences.
The impact of that choice can be both immediate and long-term.
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