"Love And Dance In The Past And Nowadays"," Long ago, dances were performed strictly to tell a story, to transmit a certain message to someone or to a community.
It is performed to maintain a tradition and mostly for entertainment.
Used to seduce, dance has this functions from the earliest times.
Agbaei is performed in Ghana and it was founded by the elders of the Krobo settlement when they realized that youngsters had a problem to communicate and date.
Adzgobo, on the contrary, is a dance during which both men and women expose their charms and try to seduce each other.
The Dandiya dance comes from India, more precisely from the region of Gujarat.
The dance is playful and provides opportunity of exchanging messages through eye contact, so that in the period in which this dance is performed, called Navaratri, many romances bloom among the teens.
Rumba originated in Spain and Africa, as there are more types of it, but it has the same function: flirting.
Sometimes, the rhythm is slower, as it developed in America and for ballroom competitions; still, this does not make it less sensual, but on the contrary, more sensitivity is added to the movements.
Young people perform on hip hop or dance music and use a totally different way of moving, sometimes considered too sensual by the others.
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