" Great Reasons Why You Should Dance Salsa Right Now!"," What is it that makes it popular today? Why is it that people who salsa seems to be happier, in better shape and in a better mood compared to others? From these questions we see that there are two major roles dancing salsa plays in people's lives: they are healthier and they have a great social life.
Here are some of the more prominent ones to be considered:
It's a great cardio activity that is fun; it's a lot easier to spend three hours dancing than it is to spend forty five minutes on the treadmill.
Isn't that amazing? · Your balance and posture improves.
Your flexibility increases.
You will have better coordination.
It helps you work through or reduce other major health problems
, depression).
We all come from different walks of life; some better than others, but for the most part the one thing people mutually seek is the feeling of being important, of having a purpose and belonging somewhere , to a community or group of people with common interests or goals
So how does salsa dancing help fulfill this ultimate goal?
Here it goes:
Salsa dancing.
Okay, I understand that you don't want to become the greatest dancer, but dancing helps shift and balance your mental state to a positive one.
Since dancing and the social contact uplift the spirit, if done regularly, it helps your life to become that way (positive, happier).
No wonder people say that dancing changes lives.
Helps you to meet new friends.
Salsa dancing is the perfect social ground for new friendships.
You also get to dance face to face (no offense hip hop), and are able to exchange a small conversation as you dance.
And guess what, these people also like salsa.
How nice is the fact that you both love dancing and can share a favorite activity from the start? Forget about the awkward first date, and think about that next time you go dancing! As a bonus, that person is likely well groomed and in great shape! Yahoo!
You increase your self-esteem and confidence.
The salsa community is an open and extremely friendly one.
As you learn how to dance, you find yourself in a situation that is fun, open, and energizing.
As a guy, being able to go up to the sexy girl you never would have dreamed of talking to and asking her to dance is an accomplishment that will change your world.
These are their reasons for doing it; what is your excuse not to? All you have to do is sign up for any local salsa class (they are everywhere!), and you will thank me later when I'm in the crowd watching you tear it up on the dance floor.
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