"Ballroom Dance - Synonymous to Elegant Dancing"," Earlier, this dance form was a privilege of the creme de la creme of the society and was performed amidst grand celebrations like social banquets, competitions and auspicious occasions.
This dance embraces a history that goes back to the renaissance era which brought to knowledge the different forms of dances, one of which was the well known dance form cinq-pace as referred by Shakespeare himself for this dance is made of five steps.
Even today, Minuet is a very popular technique of dancing and prevalent in many countries across the world.
This era even witnessed the integration of ballet dancing with this dance & was practiced since then, till the end of the Victorian era.
England was the land where this form of pure music became very well known.
This dance forms include the Mazurka, Schottische and Polka.
It also saw a reformation in the dance forms like waltz etc.
Salsa is the most popular style of dance, which has captured the hearts of the masses and the classes all over the world.
The international Latin dances include the Samba, the ChaChaCha, the Jive, Passo Doble etc.
A Branch was also formed by the Imperial society of Dance Teachers.
There are a variety of ballroom dance forms, and every form has its own beauty, charm, technique, style and distinctiveness.
Some of the night club dances like the Nightclub Two Step, West Coast Swing, Lindy Hop, and Merengue are also placed in the ballroom category at times.
The attire for this Ballroom dance type is usually a bow tie and tailcoats for males, while full gowns for females.
The Latin dances have different attire, as in women wear the short-skirted Latin apparels while men go for tight fitting trousers and shirts for the clarity and finesse of the body and leg movements.
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