You do not need to start a campaign or to get the support of a politician to change something, you need to simply show the people around you that you are capable of doing something good for the planet by using less plastic bags. I bet you did not know that plastic bags are amongst the factors behind environment deterioration but still, they are given for free by most stores. The situation itself is the fact that every year, over five billion plastic-type bags are utilized and discarded.
The only way that we can reduce the number of plastic bags affecting our environment is to recycle and always choose reusable bags instead of plastic ones. Pics of Earth have shown how much does pollution affect our planet. One of the most interesting facts about Earth is that forests can grow again if we replant trees and take care of them. However, the solution to our environmental problems is to prevent deforestation instead of thinking of ways of how to revive destroyed forests.
Another interesting fact about Earth is that it can restore destroyed locations with no help from us. We merely have to leave the Earth alone and to stop polluting it. In any case, reusable bags have many more benefits than plastic ones, apart from the fact that they delay the pollution process. A reusable bag can be utilized over and over again, it can carry more weight compared to a plastic bag and it is not quite easily damaged.
Because of this a reusable bag may be used even tens of times without you being forced to change it each and every time you go shopping. Just think about how many plastic bags you would throw if you put your groceries or other goods in plastic bags every time you go to a store. This is actually the cruel reality, but we can change it with just one reusable bag at a time. By simply possessing a reusable bag you stop tossing countless plastic bags away and conserve the Earth.

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