The meaning of Aleph is ox, strength, power, or leader. So when you're seeing the Aleph in your bible, what you're seeing may be the strength or the power or leader, the potency of a leader, really. In the beginning, Gen 1:1 says "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. We all have heard that. Gen 1:1, "bereshit bara elohim; et hasha mayim ve'et ha'aretz.
That's how it's in Hebrew. Now what I want to share for you is something pretty incredible, you can't see it in English, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, okay that makes sense He created the heavens and the earth, that's not it says in Hebrew. It's much more specific and it's something that this age has been looking at under mystery for hundreds of years and that is this, actually in Hebrew, before heavens and the earth there's a two letter word that can not be translated and it's not translated in any translation because it's impossible being translated and it says "In the beginning God created "et". "Et" in Hebrew is untranslatable and means "the direct object is next."
Quite simply in Hebrew when you come across the phrase "Et" what you are seeing, it's telling you is pay attention the next word is the focus the, the subsequent phrase or the next focus, the subsequent word or phrase is the thing that I'm focusing on. It's the direct object with the sentence. How many grew up diagramming sentences. It's so not fair that kids don't know what that is today because all of us were tortured, the lines as well as the slants, and the preposition came down, it was like this tree, and even back then when I was in fifth grade, what's the point of diagramming the sentence?
To take up more time, now I'm convinced. Kids today know what subjects are without diagramming a sentence but remember that the slanted line always mentioned that next is the direct object whenever you diagram a sentence, that's what "Et" is. But watch what it really means in Hebrew, "Et" is Aleph Tav.
So initially, God created or the word created in Hebrew, it may be brought forth or revealed, like you have a baby, brought forth! Created! Revealed something that was hidden, it's in the womb for 9 months and you've got no idea really what's in there, you've never seen it. In ancient days they didn't have the electronic equipment so you can peak inside electronically and find out what they look like. Also, keep in mind that the Sabbath Day is very important to keep.
Today it's so innovative that I mean why even emerge, we know exactly what they look like. They can have colored photographs, you know whether they have hair, whether they got fat cheeks or their skinny, I mean it's amazing. Back then you didn't know, it's completely revealed and hidden until it's brought forth. At first God brought forth the Aleph and also the Tav.
Do you know what Aleph and Tav is? Individuals that is completely illiterate of the Hebrew language, it's the very first letter and the last letter from the Hebrew language. In the beginning He come up with Alphabet. He created all things to generate all things.
That's how it's in Hebrew. Now what I want to share for you is something pretty incredible, you can't see it in English, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, okay that makes sense He created the heavens and the earth, that's not it says in Hebrew. It's much more specific and it's something that this age has been looking at under mystery for hundreds of years and that is this, actually in Hebrew, before heavens and the earth there's a two letter word that can not be translated and it's not translated in any translation because it's impossible being translated and it says "In the beginning God created "et". "Et" in Hebrew is untranslatable and means "the direct object is next."
Quite simply in Hebrew when you come across the phrase "Et" what you are seeing, it's telling you is pay attention the next word is the focus the, the subsequent phrase or the next focus, the subsequent word or phrase is the thing that I'm focusing on. It's the direct object with the sentence. How many grew up diagramming sentences. It's so not fair that kids don't know what that is today because all of us were tortured, the lines as well as the slants, and the preposition came down, it was like this tree, and even back then when I was in fifth grade, what's the point of diagramming the sentence?
To take up more time, now I'm convinced. Kids today know what subjects are without diagramming a sentence but remember that the slanted line always mentioned that next is the direct object whenever you diagram a sentence, that's what "Et" is. But watch what it really means in Hebrew, "Et" is Aleph Tav.
So initially, God created or the word created in Hebrew, it may be brought forth or revealed, like you have a baby, brought forth! Created! Revealed something that was hidden, it's in the womb for 9 months and you've got no idea really what's in there, you've never seen it. In ancient days they didn't have the electronic equipment so you can peak inside electronically and find out what they look like. Also, keep in mind that the Sabbath Day is very important to keep.
Today it's so innovative that I mean why even emerge, we know exactly what they look like. They can have colored photographs, you know whether they have hair, whether they got fat cheeks or their skinny, I mean it's amazing. Back then you didn't know, it's completely revealed and hidden until it's brought forth. At first God brought forth the Aleph and also the Tav.
Do you know what Aleph and Tav is? Individuals that is completely illiterate of the Hebrew language, it's the very first letter and the last letter from the Hebrew language. In the beginning He come up with Alphabet. He created all things to generate all things.

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