"The Magic of Dancing Salsa"," It is an electrifying dynamic type of dance about the relationship between a Man and a Woman.
""Dirty Dancing"" starring Patrick Swayze springs to mind.
It is a rich diverse form of Latin American music heavily influenced by both Western and African cultures.
Some examples of these different types of Salsa are as follows: -
The Cuban or ""Casino"" Salsa can best be described as an interaction between the sexes with the dancers sexually teasing and taunting each other through the gyrating of the hips and shoulder in very close proximity to each other but without actually touching.
The Los Angeles Style is one of the more recent types of Salsa adapted from the Latin American music of the late 20th Century.
Excellent instructional Salsa Dance DVD's are also readily available both new and more advanced dancers.
When danced properly the Salsa can be about as hot and erotic as any dance between two people can get.

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