"Stress Relief Tips - Dance Your Way to Freedom From Stress and Depression"," I can only very passionately recommend dancing as a stress relief tip!
I have trained in Dance Meditation, that is dancing and expressing with our body movements what we are feeling in the moment, to the sound of the music.
I have read that during these hard economic times, in the US people either go to yoga studios or bars.
These two options are used as stress-busters.
We may have heard that it's effective for stress relief and depression or to help ward off back problems.
Finding the right class, and a yoga style that will work for you can be quite a time-consuming and confusing endeavor.
The longer one lets oneself be carried by this stimulus and one gives the power over to the body to move of its own accord instead of controlling the movements with the mind, the more one can enter into the 'non-thinking' dimension and attain an expansion of consciousness that takes us way beyond the narrow, robotic and compulsive thinking mind that is stuck on and in stress.
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