Thursday, May 17, 2012

Top 3 Reasons That Kids Love Dance Star Mickey

"Top 3 Reasons That Kids Love Dance Star Mickey"," Although you can always ask your little ones what they like, it wouldn't be much of a surprise anymore.
 However, you need not cause yourself a headache because one of the top children's toys for the holidays this year is the Dance Star Mickey, another collaboration of Walt Disney and the famous toy manufacturer Fischer Price.

 But unlike other 'regular' stuffed animal toys, this can take your children as close as they can virtually get to the well-loved character they only see on TV or movies.

 Being an interactive doll, your kids can groove to the songs that Dance Star Mickey sings to while he shows off some of his great, new and highly entertaining steps like the moonwalk.

 Dance Star Mickey wears a short-sleeved black shirt with a pair of long red and grey striped sleeves underneath it, a red pair of trousers, the too-big white gloves and the yellow shoes.

Dance Star Mickey is the perfect gift for pre-school children and grade school ones although adult supervision is very much required due to the small parts they might choke on like screws.

This incredibly remarkable creation by Walt Disney and Fisher Price will really be the best gift for your children this Christmas not just because of the countless awards that it got (being a best toy and all) or what Dance Star Mickey can actually do but the enjoyment that your children will obtain from it.


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